ALL EFFORT OF MEN L'Effort des hommes 2022

Making so long a passage through such unfrequented waters, descrying no ships, over waves monotonously mild.
All these strange, calm things seemed to prelude some riotous and desperate scene.


- Côté court / Pantin
- festival tout court / Aix-en-Provence
- Cinémaginaire / Argelès-sur-Mer

- festival internatinoal du film / Amiens
- festival du film court / Villeurbanne
- festival international du film / Nancy

- Tampere film festival
- Vienna short
- Curtas / Vila do conde
- Curtocircuito / Santiago de Compostella
- Mares da fin de Mundo/ Concello de Outes
- Zinebi / Bilbaos
- Wild fest cindema / Vigo
- Thessaloniki hsort film festival
- festival internacional de cine / Guanajuato


- Retrospective / Lille
- MK2 curiosity


Envie de Tempête Productions


with: Simon Guelat
voice over: Fenis Lavant
producers: Frédéric Dubreuil, Jessica Cressy
images: Thibault Jacquin
sound: Dana Farzanehpour
music: Les Marquises
sound editing: Xavier Thibault
sound mix: Laure Arto


agence du court métrage
77 rue des Cévennes, 75015 Paris
tel : +33 1 44 69 26 60

technical info

DCP, digital files
12 minutes, colors, 16/9, 5.1 or stereo, french with english subtitles